What Does “Per Se” Mean in English?

What Does "Per Se" Mean in English?

“Per se” is a Latin term that has made its way into the English language. It’s often used in conversation and writing, but many people are still unsure of its meaning. In this blog post, we’ll explore what “per se” means and how it is used in English.

Definition of “Per Se”

“Per se” is a Latin term that means “by itself” or “in itself.” It is used to indicate that something is inherently or intrinsically the case, without the need for further explanation or qualification.

Examples of “Per Se” in English

“Per se” is commonly used in English in a variety of contexts. Here are a few examples:

  1. “I don’t dislike him per se, but I don’t think he’s the right person for the job.”

In this example, “per se” is used to indicate that the speaker doesn’t have a strong negative opinion of the person in question, but they don’t think they are the best fit for the job.

  1. “Eating dessert isn’t bad per se, but eating too much of it can lead to health problems.”

In this example, “per se” is used to indicate that eating dessert in and of itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but excessive consumption can be harmful.

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  1. “I don’t have a problem with the policy per se, but I think it could be implemented more effectively.”

In this example, “per se” is used to indicate that the speaker doesn’t object to the policy itself, but they believe it could be improved in its execution.

“Per se” is a Latin term that has become part of the English language. It means “by itself” or “in itself” and is used to indicate that something is inherently or intrinsically the case. While it may not be a term that is used every day, it’s helpful to understand its meaning and how it is used in English. By doing so, you can communicate more clearly and confidently in both spoken and written language.